Energy Manager Services and Implementation of EnMS according to the ČSN EN ISO 50001 Standard


We will visit your facilities and conduct an initial analysis. We will evaluate the condition of the technological equipment and buildings. We will ensure online energy measurement using the CEM (Central Energy Management) application. We will input historical consumption data and establish the Energy Base (EnB). We will propose a plan for the implementation of the Energy Management System (EnMS) within your organization. We will prepare a draft of an internal directive for the implementation of the EnMS according to the ČSN EN ISO 50001 standard. We will perform analytical activities based on data in the CEM system.


  • Energy consumption optimization = reducing costs
  • More efficient operation and maintenance management = extending equipment lifespan
  • Measurable energy management
  • Increasing energy efficiency
  • Conceptual approach to building management
  • Responsible investment planning
  • Compliance with legislative requirements = no penalties for non-compliance
  • Opportunity to access funding from grant programs
  • Measurement and reduction of pollutant emissions, improving air quality
  • Enhancing energy security and self-sufficiency
  • ISO 50001 certification eliminates the need for costly energy audits
  • Saving on personnel costs by not requiring an in-house energy manager

SOLUTION SCHEMEschema energetik



  • Analysis of parameters and energy indicators of the facilities
  • Review of electricity, natural gas, heat, cooling, and water consumption (at least the past 3 years)
  • Determination of the Energy Baseline (EnB)
  • Analysis of the current data monitoring system

EnMS Implementation

  • You set priorities and objectives for energy management based on the analysis
  • We define the scope and boundaries of the EnMS system
  • We define the process for collecting, controlling, and evaluating energy data
  • We define processes for handling energy and utility bills

Implementation of Online Energy Measurement Solution – CEM System

  • We implement the system for online energy measurement
  • We train employees to work with the CEM system
  • We activate the analytical module of the CEM system and set the Energy Performance Indicators (EnPI)

Active EnMS 

  • We identify opportunities to reduce consumption and increase efficiency in production processes
  • We assist in creating and updating energy action plans
  • We report on your energy consumption status
  • We advise on selecting suitable energy suppliers



Our services are used by:

  • Apartment buildings
    apartment buildings
  • logistic parks
    logistic parks
  • energy distributors
    energy distributors
  • shopping malls
    shopping malls
  • schools
  • water supply companies
    water supply companies
  • hospitals
  • local distribution systems
    local distribution systems
  • Industrial premises
    industrial premises