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140,36 with TAX

NB-PLE is designed for remote reading of Elster BK-G series membrane gas meters with a counter, which is equipped with a lock (“shaft”) in the lower part for connecting a sensor for remote data transmission (for example IN-Z61). The module has a magnetic sensor for registering the speed of the gas meter and it can also be equipped with a sensor for detecting the connection and disconnection of the module to the gas meter (“Tamper”). The module continuously reads the speed of the gas meter into the internal register (“speed counters”) and transmits data on the status of the counter and tamper in the form of radio messages of the NB-IoT service of the mobile operator.

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Product Description

The NB-PLE module is enclosed in a plastic box adapted for use on a BK-G series gas meter from Elster with a shaft for connecting the IN-Z61 pulse sensor. The module is not suitable for placement in an outdoor environment without additional coverage.

The parameters of the NB-PLE module can be checked and set from a computer or tablet in the following ways:

  • using a “USB-CMOS” converter and a cable via the configuration connector with which the module is equipped;
  • wirelessly, using an optical converter of the “USB-IRDA” or “BT-IRDA” type;
  • remotely, using a two-way communication system.

Module features:

NB-PLE radio modules are electronic devices powered by their own internal battery, which register the speed of the gas meter in the internal register and send a radio message with the current status of the gas meter at set intervals.



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