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NetVision is a powerful and effective software tool for remote network and server application management and for the management of services and applications.

Netvision allows not only for active network monitoring, the monitoring of services, or the monitoring servers and workstations, but also for their remote control and configuration.

NetVision is based on SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) with the extension for ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol).

NetVision allows for:

  • active monitoring of networks, services, servers and workstations
  • their remote control and configuration

NetVision can be used as:

  • Network Management System (NMS) for management and control of a telecommunication network of any size
  • Element Management System (EMS) for visualization, supervision and remote management of IT  infrastructure elements, technological systems or software applications.

Its properties make Netvision suitable for monitoring of current telecommunication networks and IT infrastructures. The properties of Netvision allow for the use in main operator networks as well as in networks  of local Internet service providers. 

Automatic object search and map creation

Automatic search for network elements and customer map creation. Optional hierarchy of maps and objects according to physical or logical network structures.

Multimonitoring – combination of SNMP and proxy agents

Monitoring of various IT infrastructure objects, IP routers, ADSL infrastructure, Wi-Fi infrastructure, PC and server infrastructure, applications and Windows and Linux operating systems.

Alarm Management

Collects all alarm events from the telecommunication and IT infrastructure and performs their processing and display.

Monitoring of user services

NetVision allows for the monitoring of network services such as  SMTP, POP3, Telnet, HTTPs, and TCP connection.

Analysis and data visualizations in real time

NetVision includes tools for the simple creation of analytical graphs, charts or reports based on selectable parameters (types of objects and events, time intervals, output data, threshold values etc.) Analytical outputs can be viewed via a client application or can be exported into office systems or other external systems.

Configuration of monitored equipment profiles

Configuration of data collection profiles, alarms and threshold values including polling characteristics settings.

User and user group management

Configuration of data collection profiles, alarms and threshold values including polling characteristics settings.

Supported platforms

Server Operating systems: Linux, Solaris, Free BSD. Database: PostgreSQL, or Sybase
Client (java) Linux, Solaris, Free BSD, Windows (98, 2000, XP, Vista), MacOS
Web – server Sun Java System Application Server
WEB – CLIENT (HTML) standard browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, Mozilla)
Java Runtime Environments JRE 1.6

Control and supervision system – description

  •  SQL database  and statistic and alarm file layer

This layer is composed of two databases (one for dealing with the alarms, the other for  the support of visualization, map or client management etc). For distribution purposes these databases can be run on different servers. Incoming alarms and statistic data are stored in binary files to ensure optimal performance of the entire application.

·         Server and daemon layer

This layer in composed of a set of applications written for a UNIX-type operating environment. The applications keep the  C/C++ language standards according to  ANSI C/C++ and use the UNIX API. They ensure the functionality of the entire system. Their task is:

    • alarm collection, alarm saving and processing
    • working with the MIB database
    • collection of statistic data from the monitored equipment
    • automatic  probe of the monitored equipment and its state
    • post-processing  of the saved data, reporting, conversion to other systems
    • proxy-agents
    • sending  e-mails and SMS messages


·         Client application support layer

This layer is composed of applications that interact with the client application (module) and the WEB server. Application for the support of the client application ensure fluent operation of the many simultaneously connected client applications and their immediate reaction to changes in the system database. The WEB server manages the data presentation via HTTP/HTTPS protocol, allowing for other information system access on the basis of  “Web Services”. The Web application is written in the Java language. The web server itself is the Sun System Java Application Server version 9.

·         Client application and  WEB  interface

The Client application is the main management and user system interface. It provides the data visualization and their graphic interpretation. The Client application is written in Java with the use of standard features of the Java Virtual Machine by Sun Microsystems. Therefore, as a binary application, it can be run both  in Windows (98, 2000, XP, Vista) and UNIX-based (Solaris, Linux, MacOS) operating system environments.

NetVision 3.0 demo version

Please, fill the following form to enable download of NetVision demo-client. The demo-client is connected to the Netvision server monitoring a number of various real objects (servers, computers, LAN elements, network services, applications, etc.). You will find the work with Netvision  easy, its visualizations vivid and its management intuitive.

NetVision client - download

    • 2009 Společnost UPC Česká republika s.r.o.

    • Dial Telecom a.s.

    • České Radiokomunikace a.s.

    • 2009 CoProSys a.s. – Praha

    • 2010 New Telekom, spol. s r.o.

    • 2011 TaNET West s.r.o.

    Product ID Product version Price/ Sale CZK Rent CZK
      License price Monthly support Monthly rent Monthly support
    1.1 NetVision – Basic (max 100 elements, 2x client) 60.000 1.000 2.167 1.000
    1.2 NetVision – Light (max 250 elements, 3x client) 90.000 1.000 3.250 1.000
    1.3 NetVision – Middle 1 (max 500 elements, 4x client) 120.000 1.500 4.333 1.500
    1.4 NetVision – Middle 2 (max 1000 elements, 5x client) 150.000 2.000 5.417 2.000
    1.5 NetVision – Unlimited (unlimited elements and clients) 300.000 contract 10.833 contract
    A customer who has bought the Unlimited version and signed a service contract will receive a yearly application update automatically. The contract of rent is made for the minimum of 3 years with the possibility to be prolonged. Only support fee is charged after its termination.1.6
    NetVision – Unlimited (unlimited elements and clients) DSL extension 500.000 contract 18.056 contract