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The FLEXIM system significantly reduces the cost of heating centrally heated buildings, also allows you to set the thermal comfort individually in individual rooms / zones throughout the year (in the heating season and out of the heating season), monitors the entire heating system and provides remote control via web interface via PC or via a mobile phone.

Benefits of the FLEXIM system – zone control of radio-controlled heating
possibility to control heat sources and regulate them in cooperation with current requirements of the building
low system implementation costs due to low component prices and the use of radio technology for data transmission
easy and fast installation thanks to the use of radio technology, with minimal interference with the building
fast return on investment
simple and clear control from any computer via the local network and via the Internet provides users with maximum comfort (the temperature program can be set not only from the home PC, but also from a tablet or mobile phone)
individual, detailed temperature settings in individual rooms / zones
automatic maintenance of thermal comfort without the need for window ventilation and waste of heat, or vice versa without manual switching for reheating
Clear history of data – it is possible to check how the individual rooms / zones heated (per day or in another time period).
He prefers the most financially advantageous heat source in the building
How much will we save?
The installation will lead to significant savings on heating the building. Compared to building insulation, plastic windows and polystyrene insulation, the investment in zone control pays off much faster. Depending on the current state of the heating system, regulation can save 15 – 40 % of heating costs. Most often, savings range between 20 – 25 %. The money saved can be used as an investment in other austerity measures.

The control unit of the FLEXIM system is an industrial computer running a software application for controlling, monitoring and setting the heating system. The control unit is secured against power failure. If the building is equipped with a secure internet connection, the application can be installed on a remote central server.

The software application allows:
– convenient setting of temperature programs (profiles) of all rooms / zones not only from the computer of the control unit, but also from any computer on the local data network (LAN) or from a remote computer via the Internet
– the system is fully autonomous and works even in the event of an Internet failure (only it is not possible to remotely change the temperature settings, etc.), so the functionality of the regulation does not depend on the Internet connection
– uses sophisticated algorithms called PID-regulation (Proportional / Integral / Derivative), which ensures smooth operation of the system

PID control – it can be simply described as the proportional component of the control loop responds to a specific temperature difference, the integration component is calculated from knowledge of the course of control in the past and the derivative component is based on the prediction (forecast) of the temperature in the future. The PID-control algorithm is so far the most modern algorithm in automatic control systems, which ensures optimal functionality of the control loop with the fastest possible starts and stops, while with minimal overshoots.

Reference radio thermometer – RF thermometer is in each controlled zone (room). The radio thermometer continuously measures the room temperature and wirelessly sends the temperature data to the control unit at intervals of 5 minutes.

Radio controller and control heads – A radio-controlled controller is also installed in the room / zone, which, based on signals from the control unit, controls the control heads mounted on the radiator valves. The control heads are controlled by a safe voltage of 12-24 V, up to 16 control heads can be connected to one controller.

Radio data transmission – Data transmission between the control unit, thermometers and controllers takes place wirelessly in the radio frequency 868 MHz. Computer = the control unit communicates with the radio network via an Ethernet gateway (WACO Ethernet GateWay), the controller is equipped with its own WACO radio modem, WACO radio thermometers are used for temperature measurement. At the same time, each controller can also serve as a signal repeater for more distant controllers and thermometers, ensuring trouble-free radio signal coverage even for large objects. The power of radio modules is about 7 mW, which is many times (about 1000 times) lower power than, for example, the power of a mobile phone and this value is well below all technical and health limits. The radio modules are therefore not harmful to health and do not burden the environment with electronic smog.

Zone control is a system functionally independent of the control of the heating water temperature according to the outside temperature (so-called equithermal control). If an equithermal control system is installed in the building, both systems complement each other appropriately. It is even desirable for the boiler to be equipped with equithermal control. Equithermal control provides radio zone control with the highest heating efficiency and an optimal heating control system. The FLEXIM control can also control the heat source, which increases the efficiency of the entire solution.

Circulation pump switching
If the heating system is equipped with a circulation pump, the WACOtherm – RF zone control can switch it so that the pump only works if at least one heating channel is open (ie heating in at least one zone).

Installation of the FLEXIM system
A radio-controlled electromechanical valve is located next to each radiator, which allows individual radiators to be opened and closed electronically according to current needs. The mechanical operation of the valves is controlled by a cable directly from the outputs of the controller. Appropriate wiring strips are used to install the cables. A radio thermometer is placed in each room / zone at the same time. Constant control of the set temperature (the temperature sensing interval can be set arbitrarily, but 5 minutes is recommended) will allow the system to control the temperatures in each room individually, independently of each other. Therefore, it is possible to heat only the room that is currently being used to the required temperature. Other rooms / zones remain at attenuation temperature. The controller with wireless modules is positioned to optimize the cable lengths to the individual radiator heads. One controller can operate several zones. Since the controller is powered by 220V, it is advisable to install it at the optimal distance from the socket circuit.

The building houses a control unit that controls the system and communicates with the server on which the system’s web application is installed. System setup and monitoring is performed via a web interface. You can conveniently monitor objects from any computer connected to the Internet or from a mobile device with Internet access. User accounts can be created for individual people using the premises, with which they will log in to the system. Access rights for individual parts of the object will be set for each user. The building manager will be able to manage the entire building. The entire zone control system is modular, which allows the control to be extended at any time by additional modules in individual parts of the building. The installation of the FLEXIM heating zone control can be performed during normal operation of the building. Regulation in individual parts of the building can be done in stages.

Required temperature
The SW application in the FLEXIM system is set up simply like a classic thermostat from the user’s point of view. In each room we set the desired temperature, to which the system then regulates the room itself. The current and desired temperatures are displayed in the application and accessible via the web interface. We set the required temperature in the application either by increasing or decreasing the degrees Celsius or by switching the set profile (Holiday, Summer, etc.). The desired temperature is switched automatically, so the user does not have to worry about forgetting something.

Schedules can be saved as a “profile”. Profiles can then be easily switched. The user can save eg the profile “Summer”, when the heating is switched off, “Holiday”, when the room temperatures are reduced, “Normal mode” and the like. For each profile, the user assigns a color that describes that profile.

Calendar planning
Profiles can be scheduled using the calendar. So if you know that you are going on holiday on Tuesday evening and will return at noon on Friday, you will simply set these events in the calendar and the system will heat the building only to the setback temperature during your absence and you will be pleasantly heated again when you return. rooms.